The Truth About New Year Resolutions
Wellness Hustle (00:44)
Welcome back to the Wellness Hustle. We are on our fifth episode. Y'all are so amazing. We've had quite a few downloads. We're so excited that you guys are back for another episode. This week, we're going to talk about essentially, fuck your resolutions because we've realized that like resolutions don't stick. No, they don't. Go ahead. Yeah. So we got some stats for you guys. 23 % quit within the first week. Week.
23 and 64 % they quit their resolution end of the first month. So end of January, it's It's over for 60, for more than half people. And only by the end of the year, nine to 12 % people still keeping their new year resolution. How's that for you? That is wild. And I think what our, yeah, what our hope for you here is that we can kind of, and look, I'm not the queen of
keeping resolutions, but I do feel as though I've had a lot of growth over the last, especially five years, but you know, I've had to do a lot of really hard things post divorce. And so kind of wanted to take you guys through how to be the nine to 12 % who have successfully achieved their goals instead of be the 23 % or the 64 % who abandoned or quit within the first week to month. Yes.
And I think reason behind it, the biggest reason, you probably did not wait until January 1st to start making changes. You started to make changes as things were progressing in your life. And I think it's important for people to remember, don't do it just for the sake of the date. Do it to enrich your life and make it better. And I think we look at this time of the season where, you know,
It's December, it's November. So we come off of all these really terrible habits, you know, I drink a lot more during this time of the year. And, you know, I've, I definitely like eat a lot more sweets this time of the year, all of those things. So being mindful of that, like setting resolutions or setting goals or intentions in November, December is unrealistic. So we feel really gung ho because we're sick of our own behaviors going into January. But if you get too aggressive in your start point,
You know, you can lose motivation really quickly. Yes, because it's just too hard. Yeah. Right. It's not realistic when you getting your goals. They are not realistic. It's really hard to keep them. You can just become somebody else overnight. It takes time. It took you time to get where you are now. However old you are, you created those habits so you can change them. But then like
literally overnight. So you woke up January 1st and all of a sudden you're different person. Yeah, it's not gonna happen for you. No, it's always so funny too, because you think of what we do even on the 31st is just go out and party and get like, you know, drunk rage cage, whatever. And then you wake up the first day of the year. And it's like, we've already started off on a bad foot because you're hungover. Yes, you just did. And it's like, I wanted to go out on a bang. And if you do want to do that, that's totally fine. And like give yourself grace on New Year's Day.
But I had a moment this year where I was like, I don't think I want to do anything on the 31st. I definitely don't want to do anything like too dramatic because the last thing I want to do is wake up on the first day of a new year, super hungover. Same as like my birthday. Like I don't want to wake up on my birthday and be hungover. Those don't get any easier. No, they don't. And like you said, yes, you wake up all of a sudden, you're a party animal the night before and this...
new year, new you, all of a sudden you woke up like this butterflies, you know, they turn from like the worms you're going to, butterfly, all of a sudden you're like Buddha person, mindful, eating only vegetables and clean protein. Like it doesn't happen that way. It just won't. It's not going to.
But do you mind if we tell people why most resolutions fail? Yeah, we can absolutely do that. I feel like that's important because if you know why, then you can make adjustments. Yeah. So the most resolutions fail because it's overwhelming. They're trying to be somebody we just touched on who they are not. So they, they don't even have a clear plan. That's
number two, like how to get where they want to go. They don't have the support. They don't schedule things and they just lose their motivation. So those are the main reasons why people really abandoned their first year, first new, new year resolutions. And I think knowing those things is important because how do you separate yourself from the flock? Right. And knowing that like, okay, well if
people fail because they take on too much. okay, how do I take on less? Or how do I approach this one day at a time? So I think that is really valuable information. So the first thing is to take inventory. So are you proud of the person that you were this year? And the reason, so the way that I like to look at this is,
I'm very visual, so going through like a photo album of the year. That's a great tip. Yes. If you have an iPhone, you can go in and look at January and say, you know, January was good for this reason. January was bad for this reason. And looking at your gratitude versus your lessons, because what I found is that this year was really hard for me for a lot of reason.
Just because my wellness took a backseat, I was really like bogged down with a ton of work and I had all these high expectations for what I wanted my fitness and my health to look like. And I actually found that those two things took a backseat because I had put too much on my plate. And so I ended up losing a lot of steam, feeling really overwhelmed, feeling burnt out and not being able to really take myself where I was the previous two years where I had really gotten into boxing and...
wasn't eating inflammatory items. I also had health issues this year. So in March, I had some issues with my hormones that took about, I mean, I'm still working on them, but seven months of like being in and out of surgeries and things like that. So I think, you know, there are a lot of factors, life happens. Exactly. So you can't beat yourself up. You, as you're saying yourself, you know, you had health issues. Yeah. So it's how you bounce back.
how do you navigate through those challenges? Yeah, you might not be the 100 % that you wanted to be, but you didn't completely abandon wellness. No, I didn't. And I think that that's the great thing about the previous two years is I can say, okay, well, I set a really good foundation. I got through this year just on the minimal things that I did. And I'm really proud of myself for the progress that I did keep. think I would be much worse off had I not already set that.
foundation for 100 % because it's so easy to be all or nothing. And it's something we wanted to talk to you guys too. Because when you see that, well, I don't have a whole hour of working out. So I'm just not going to do it at all. But the bottom line is the movement, even five minutes is going to be better than no movement. And I think going to the taking inventory aspect of it is like, you know, I looked at my year and thought, my God, it was a really hard year. But when I
actually looked at it and especially through pictures. was like, my gosh, know, March was hard, but I actually had X, Y, and Z thing that were really wonderful experiences. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. And sometimes I have a lot of friends who travel a lot. This is like off topic, but kind of gives you an idea what to look for. And I always think, man, they travel so much. that I want to travel more, but I feel like I'm doing the same thing over and over again. Then I just said, I'm going to clean out pictures out of my phone because I have too many moon's pictures. If you moon is my dog.
I'm like, why do I have two million? So I was going through it and I'm like, oh my God, actually I'm doing a lot of things in my life. My life is actually pretty awesome. I'm doing more traveling than I thought I'm doing. I'm seeing more things than I thought I'm seeing. So I think it's very cool tip that Brit is giving you guys to go back into your phone and kind of recap the year. And I think it's a little bit, if you think about TikTok or Reels, you can see people doing little quick bits and
pieces of their like year, right? Like recap. But I think it's kind of, it's trendy, but I think it's very important to go back and see what did you do this year, like this past year, and how did you enjoy life and what your wellness looked like and what your workload looked like. It's a great way to reflect on your year. And I think from there, you can look at the next little chunk, which is stop, start, continue. And for me,
And I'm kind of going through this live because I have to like really sit down and do this. I've just kind of looked at my photos, but like, what do you want to stop doing? Yeah. And for me, like my big stop was like, I don't want to take on more than I can chew. Like I keep biting off more than I can chew. Yep. And it's at the expense of my own well-being. And I think like when I look at even the people who I was around during times throughout my life.
Like looking at the people who were consistent versus the people who, and like how you're going to allocate your time. think allocation of time for me is really important for me to be mindful of because I was allocating my time to things and to people that did not further my goals for myself. That time could have then been allocated to my health and fitness and planning my meals and things like that, that I was doing before, but stopped doing this last year.
And you'd mentioned it before and we wanted to touch on that, right? Your wellness is like five people around you. Yeah, sum of the five. Uh-huh. So it's like wellness, fitness, all of it kind of sums up together because you have same habits, you're doing same things. So if people, you know, if you surround yourself with people who enjoy sports, going to the bars, watching football, staying up late at night,
that's what you're going to be doing, then you're going to be having a hard time waking up in the morning. And I'm not trying to put anybody down, but if your goal is to be as healthy as you can be, then maybe you minimize the amount of time you spend with people like that. Right. And I think for me even is establishing what you are willing to do and what you're not willing to do. like my stop, for example, is
I'm probably not going to stop watching sports at sports bars because that's a big part of my life and sports are a big part of my life. Now, am I going to stop going out late at night every single weekend? Like I did for October, November, December. Yeah, probably going to stop partying. Like, you know I mean? Like I think like, okay, accountability right here. We're going to keep you accountable. You heard it here. If you see me in the bar, kick me. No, I'm kidding. But like every once in a while is fine, but
You know, the holidays, I was like, I have been out too much.
just to make sure we like really iterate what we're trying to say with the stop start continues, like, what are you going to stop based off of what you've just taken inventory on? What do you want to start doing? What was missing from your life last year that you feel like you want to become a core value for you maybe? And then what are you continuing to do from last year?
Yeah. Because I think that that's where a lot is missed is the continuing. We are constantly striving for more or beating ourselves up for what we did and beating others up for like, instead of giving yourself praise for the things that you did, did well that year. I think it's important to reflect on that.
if you want to become somebody that is, you know, you think of a person that kind of like you're a motivational person. Yeah. Oh, I want to be a little bit more like this person. So then you want to embody that person in a way and you kind of have to sit down and think, what is this person they look like?
And you can ask them if it's your friend, everybody's got a fit friend, right? Hopefully you can ask them like, what is your day look like? What are you, what are you doing? Like how are you planning your day? So before you become that person, you can't really change yourself. You have to remember to ask yourself, okay, is this going to support my, I want to be? And I think for me, and that's why I like the start stop continue after taking inventory of what your year looked like.
The reason I like that is because, you mentioned like looking at somebody, it's important to have people who are role models that you can ask them and get advice from them. But it's also important to understand. And this is what I've learned over the last few years. It's like your experience in life is so much different than everybody else's and what works for you may not work for somebody else. So collecting the data in order to say, you know, how am I going to create a plan to go forward that can work for me?
understanding what you've done, where you need to grow, what you actually want and where you're already skilled, I think is really important data to collect on yourself before you start to create an actionable plan that you can move forward from. Because it goes back to what you said in the beginning, which is
You can't just wake up New Year's Day and all of a sudden you're a green juice marathon running, bodybuilding goddess. Like it just doesn't work that way. It's like, where are you right now? And how are you going? where do you want to be? Which goes back to what you were saying. Who are the people that you admire that you want to be like? figuring out what that looks like for you and creating a plan around that.
But the plan has to be also achievable and the goals have to be measurable in a way that is not like, I just want to get fit. And I think that's majority people. That's why they fall off because they don't have the real measurable goal. So the goal is to be measurable, achievable, and you kind of have to have time on it. So you say, okay, instead of I want to be fit, maybe I want to to the gym twice a week. But then you have to schedule.
And then take action on it. I think that's the other thing is like, everybody goes into the new year with this big old fancy plan and they're like, I'm going to be the next.
I don't know, whoever your person is, you just think you're gonna have a six pack by the end of the month. I can guarantee you, you will not. In the most fit year of my life, I had a four pack, and it would come and go based off of what I ate the day before. that's an unrealistic goal to say by the end of January, I'm gonna go from drinking beers every weekend to dry January, clean eating, working out five days a week.
So I think the goal should be instead of I'm getting fit, maybe to become a healthier person. Or just what you said is like go to the gym twice a week. Yeah. I mean, I did what we told everybody not to do recently, which is I said I was going to go to the gym four times a week because that's where I was at one point. And I was realistic because my muscles are not used to what I used to do. So I went to the gym twice last week and almost killed myself.
I can go three times. started a harder plan, which is what I was like, let me increase my plan and also go four times a week. And then that was dumb of me to do that because I was super unmotivated on day three because I could barely walk or sit on the toilet because my hamstrings were so sore. I couldn't. So, that's giving myself grace, right? You look back and you say, okay, I tried, I tried and that didn't work. So now I have to adjust because that's what January is going to be for you.
It's going to be taking action and being like, I got some adjustments I need to make. Yes. Cause that didn't work and make those adjustments and move on. Yeah. And adjustment shouldn't be, now I'm not doing anything. Adjustment should be okay. Maybe three times was a lot to, to execute. Maybe I'll try twice and see where it takes me and walks. And that's what I did. was like, okay, I'm to work out twice and then I'm going to go on like three.
because it was the way my schedule worked out. could do 15 minute walks three times a day. Yeah, just move. Just move when you can. You can do some squats in between writing emails. Yeah. That's easy. Also, not for nothing. If you have a sugar addiction and you just went through the holidays and you think that on January 1st, you're not going to eat any sugar and you're going to completely detox your body from alcohol, sugar, carbs, all of those things, your body, you're going to lose your mind.
Don't you, I mean, don't you think like, well, I think it has to be done with the right coaching if that's your goal, but you have to understand you have to do it gradually. Otherwise you're gonna, you're just gonna bounce back even higher. I think, yeah, like I think maybe remove one thing the first week and then maybe remove another thing the second week. And then, and I don't know, obviously like, is that something that would be beneficial to people?
I think it depends on the person. I have some clients, they want to do everything at once, but there has to be done certain way that is sustainable for them and there has to be accountability around it. But for somebody who is doing, say something by themselves with no accountability and removing everything and starving themselves, if you're starving yourself, it's not going to work out great for you. Eventually, you're just going to...
break loose and you're just gonna go crazy and all of the things. So it has to be planned and you have to fuel your body in the right way so you don't really, I guess, become unmotivated because it's too hard. And that's kind of where you're like add and replace. Things happen. Exactly. Yeah. All right. Well, with that being said,
I think that we're going to leave you guys with just those small things because honestly, fuck your resolutions. you can definitely like, again, and this will probably be the highlight of most of our episodes is just like taking inventory, collecting data. What do you want to stop, start and continue? And then what's your plan, creating a plan and then taking actionable steps that you can adjust to what is.
Good for you. Don't be too hard on yourself. But also it's very important to have accountability around it from somebody else, like a buddy that you can, you know, go to the gym together or bounce recipes from things, you know, kind of keep each other accountable. Yeah, go on the hikes, go on the walks together, do things instead of meeting somebody for a drink for happy hour. Maybe you meet them for a little short hike or they're a short walk with the dog. Yeah.
things like that. Just think about, again, replacing your happy hour maybe with like a happy hour walk without the alcohol, bring your ginger tea or something. Yeah, seriously. Or maybe you're not giving up alcohol at all and it's like you're deciding to give up sugar. Yeah. And if you're giving up sugar, like what does that look like for you and how are you going to have to like, I can't go into baked goods stores. I love them. I love yeah, I do too. Just the smell of it. I want to buy it all in Perrin.
our local little store. Yeah. When you go in that Almond croi ssant good. So just don't go. Don't buy things. Don't bring it home. Keeping things out of sight. Like the pantry trick I love where it's just like keep that out of your line of sight as a whole. Yeah. Just keep it in the bottom. My husband has a bottom shelf because my husband is a little, he likes his little snackies. Yeah.
So his snack is going on the very bottom shelf of our pantry So when I opened the pantry I don't look at them. I don't see them. And if I don't see them, I don't think about eating them. But if they're in the front of me, I open to go get my raw nuts, but there's like chocolate chip cookies in the middle. I don't know. It's just making things a little more difficult for me personally. I'll eat chocolate chip.
cookies every time over raw nuts. I'll eat the chocolate chip cookies. I'll eat seven of them actually. So put them on the bottom. Yeah, put them on the bottom. So you don't see them. All right, guys, well, we're gonna wrap it up. We want to let you guys know that on the six January six, Sasha is going to be releasing a five day challenge. So we'll keep you guys updated on that. But if you're interested in starting a five day nutritional challenge, right?
and workout. So it's going to be very simple. it's going to be 10 minute workouts. It's going to be breakfast protein breakfast recipes. You can start yourself with your day. So you feel full and satisfied and you have your energy throughout the day. And also we're going to talk about it in the next podcast, right about dry January. So we're going to give you some mocktails that you can make for your happy hour.
So that's gonna be the five day challenge for you guys. So we can do it together. It's gonna be fun. It's gonna be attainable. It's not gonna take too much time for you to make different changes. yeah. Yeah. It'll be good. And then stay tuned for Wednesday's episode, which is all about dry January, how to approach it, if you're gonna approach it and really fun mocktails. Mocktails. Yeah. And our experience with non-drinking. Yeah.
I'm going to be participating in Dry January. This is going to be my first year doing it. Same here. I've never done Dry January before. I've done not drinking, but I'll just do it whenever I feel like. I'm not one for New Year's resolutions. I'm really one to just like, when I decide to do something, I just do it. And so maybe that's how you approach the New Year's resolution is like, just start. That's exactly what I've been saying to everybody. Just when you're ready start
Don't wait for the certain date. Don't yeah, don't make it special. Just start. Just start. Yeah. Okay. Well you guys, as usual, share with a friend, download. I don't know why I raised my hand. If you're watching the video, I always raise my hand. I don't know. I'm raising my hand. share with a friend and download the podcast. That's the best way to get our name out there. Yeah. And support our podcast. If you're listening, we appreciate you and yeah, absolutely. Spread the word. We would.
Love would love more than anything. That would be the biggest gift you can give it to us is to share our podcast with your friends. All right, guys. Thank you so much for tuning in for another episode of The Wellness Hustle, and we will see you guys on Wednesday. Bye.